Why Support Massey Shaw? - Massey Shaw Education Trust
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Why Support Massey Shaw?


Sometimes you find history in museums and galleries, sometimes in classrooms and lecture theatres. With Massey Shaw, you find history in front of you, under your feet and filling your senses. So far, our volunteers have restored the boat to her former glory (with the assistance of the Heritage Lottery Fund of course) and operate her to display this 1930’s technology to the people and visitors of London. But we need your help to move to the next stage.


The Massey Shaw Education Trust has ambitious plans to develop our offering to schools and colleges, from Key Stage 2 to tertiary level. We want to help our community to re-connect to the river, the docks and their history. We want to work with secondary schools to let their pupils experience engineering from another age and have access to a unique historical artefact for photography, art, drama and maths and sciences.


Massey Shaw has been saved and restored – for now. But current volunteers and supporters are merely custodians of the boat for the current generation. We are now moving the Trust from being an almost exclusively grant-funded body, to becoming an organisation and national asset which is sustainable for the long term. But, to do that, we need your help.


Please have a look through the site and take up one of the opportunities to become part of our support team. Whether that’s by volunteering, on board or by guiding visiting groups around the boat or working with our archivists; by becoming a member and participating in our development; by donating money (or services) as an individual or a company; or just by spreading the word through social media and friendship groups, then you will know that you are making a real contribution to keeping part of London’s heritage available for years to come.

Help us support Massey Shaw

Learn more about the Massey Shaw membership or donate towards the preservation of the fireboat

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